Unique Identifier with callback
Hello, is there any way to attach the internal_id of a member when we authenticate via oath?
Response Object Includes the following:
access_token: Access token to save on behalf of the user
id_token: JSON Web Token representing OpenID's id_token
scope: "all"
token_type: "Bearer"
expires_in: Access tokens do not expire
is there any way to get the internal ID of a member
"_id": "zi82jshHS83988d",
"external_id": "1234567890",
"created": "2022-10-24T12:34:52.262Z",
"custom_answers": null,
"customer_id": null,
"display_name": "JOHN F. DOE",
"email": "wendy.johnson@nonexistant.com",
"expiration_date": null,
"joined": "2029-10-24T16:38:09.933Z",
"members_id": "mvms6cDrQP4raij4Q",
"membership_name": "00s",
"membership_type": "ADASsdadsad8",
"profile": {
"phone": "1234567890",
"first_name": "WESLAW",
"last_name": "DOE",
"address": {
"street": "NOT REAL, FR",
"city": "NOWHERE",
"region": "NA",
"zip": "12334-4344",
"country": "US"
"status": 100,
"subscription_id": null
above is an example of a return object when querying for a member.
I can successfully authenticate a member, HOWEVER what am I supposed to do after I authenticate them? I've got no clue what their name is, membership level, email. I have to have some sort of way to query for the information of the member. TIA