Below is a definition of the Payments object

    "_id": "K2njsdkdskMSEA",
    "channel": "stripe",
    "created": "2020-06-18T07:38:51.596Z",
    "customer_id": "cus_C7jslksli64",
    "description": null,
    "discount_amount": null,
    "discount_label": null,
    "external_id": "ECD99-0001",
    "invoice_pdf": null,
    "lines": [
        "description": "Annual Membership",
        "amount": 5000,
        "quantity": 1,
        "_id": null
    "member_id": "fA4tqkldkslsd9wD",
    "membership_ids": [
    "organization_id": "pobklsdkdslMqZ2u",
    "payment_date": "2018-01-12T15:06:30.000Z",
    "status": 100,
    "stripe_invoice_id": "in_1BjUklsksdSlYDr",
    "subscription_id": "sub_C7j;sllsdfESX",
    "subtotal": 5000,
    "total": 5000,
    "total_tax_amounts": [],
    "updated": "2020-06-18T07:38:51.599Z"
_idstringInternal ID to identify Payments
channelstringIdentifies channel of Payments
createddatetimeDatetime when Payments object was created in the Join It system
updateddatetimeDatetime when Payments object was last updated in the Join It system
payment_datedatetimeDatetime when payment was collected
organization_idstringUnique ID identifying the Organization associated with the Payment
discount_amountnumberAmount discounted on the Payments object
discount_labelstrintLabel for discount
member_idstringUnique ID Identifying the associated Account (previously called 'Member') object
memberships_idarrayArray of Memberships associated with the Payments object
statusnumberStatus of the Payment
subtotalnumberSubtotal of the Payment
totalnumberTotal of the Payment
linesarrayArray of objects describing the calculation of the Payments object