Learn more about Join It's Webhooks product.
Join It's webhook product allows Organizations to set up POST notifications to be sent to an external URI upon certain triggers (listed below).
First, navigate to the Webhooks section of your Automations: https://app.joinit.com/automations/webhooks
If you don't have any Webhooks created, then you'll be prompted to create your first Webhook (if you have at least one Webhook created -- then click 'Create Automation').
First, you'll want to view the different triggers available:
- Memberships Created
- Memberships Inactive
- Memberships Updated
- Memberships Renewed
- Payments Created
- CheckIns Created
When an event is triggered, Join It will send a POST notification to the external URI included in the Automation set up.
The payload of the notification will have:
- The object for the respective Data Models
- webhook_object_type (e.g. memberships, payments)
- webhook_event_type (e.g. memberships.created, memberships.updated, payments.created, etc.)
Updated over 2 years ago